When it comes to used cooking oil and meat by-product collection and recycling in Manitoba and Northern Ontario, our priority to is convenience and reliability.
From Dauphin, to Thunder Bay and everything in between, Darling Ingredients is here for your reliable, convenient, and sustainable restaurant solutions.
Our Winnipeg location collects and recycles used cooking oil and animal by products throughout Manitoba and into Northern Ontario. We want business owners and employees to feel good about where their food waste goes without any inconvenience or extra work on their end.
Winnipeg Plant
607 Dawson Rd N, Winnipeg, MB R2J 0T2
Services in Winnipeg
Darling Ingredients Canada’s Winnipeg location is working with businesses to fight for the environment without any extra hassle for kitchens across Manitoba and Northern Ontario.
Used Cooking Oil Containers & Collection
Not only will we provide the used cooking oil container that fits your needs, we’ll collect the grease according to your schedule, hassle free.
Animal By-Product Collection
We’ll provide the containers or specialized equipment, and pick up meat by-products to be recycled.
The sustainably, naturally and ethically sourced nutrients we provide offer countless benefits to both humans and animals.
Used Cooking Oil Storage Systems
Our team works with you to find, place, and maintain the best used cooking oil system for your business. We handle the process end-to-end, so you can focus on running your restaurant. Check out the variety of containers below, go to our UCO systems page for more information on the process, or contact us directly for a personalized consultation.
Safety, functionality, sustainability, natural origins, and global availability—these are the key characteristics of nutrients we produce for food, feed and fertilizer manufacturers worldwide.
Our residuals-to-resources concept guarantees our customers high-quality, sustainable ingredients from meat by-products. These resources can be used in a wide range of animal feed applications, organic fertilizer ingredients, and the nutritional needs of you and your family.
The safety of your food starts long before it arrives on your dinner plate. Our decades of experience with health and food solutions helps protect the world's food chain from farm to table. Through our bio-security standards at our processing facilities, our customers can be assured that our fats and food ingredients are fully traceable and compliant with food safety regulations.
Fats from animal by-product recycling are a natural and beneficial part of a balanced diet, supplying energy, vitamins A, D, E and K. They are an indispensable part of today’s food—and of our health and well-being.
The technofunctional and biofunctional ingredients we create improve the digestibility of products made from our ingredients, and support well-being through immune and gut health.
Our fats, proteins and minerals are natural, safe, healthy and sustainable. The complexity of animal feed grows in areas including animal health, sustainability, feed and production efficiency, and antibiotics reduction.
We turn these challenges of nutrition and sustainability into opportunities with advanced processes and material variety.
Renewable Diesel
The used cooking oil and meat by-products that we collect are the key ingredients for renewable diesel. Our innovative efforts assist customers in reaching their own sustainability goals.
Darling Ingredients Canada has been a pioneer in the commercial production of petroleum fuel alternatives for over three decades. We initially began our efforts by producing biofuel in the 1990, but recently have focused on manufacturing renewable diesel. Not only is it chemically identical to petroleum diesel, but has a far higher cetane rating of 75-90, compared to biodiesel’s 48-60.
We proudly promote sustainable practices across several industries. We want to make access to greener, environmentally sound practices accessible to everyone, and to help you build a more eco-friendly business.
Darling Ingredients Canada features the world renowned Diamond Green Diesel Refinery to show our dedication to renewable diesel and sustainability. Built in 2016 in a joint venture with Valero, the refinery converts over 2.3 billion pounds of rendered and recycled material into over 275 million gallons of renewable diesel every year!
Contact Us
We want to hear from you if you have any questions, problems, service issues, or would like to discuss becoming one of our valued customers. We are confident we have a solution that will fit your needs.