43% of diners are willing to pay more for a sustainable meal. Sustainable restaurants are here to stay. Customer behavior has proven that they prefer their dinner to come with a helping of eco-friendly effort. 

How do you do this? What goes into creating a sustainable restaurant and what are the things to consider when designing a sustainable menu? A sustainable menu will include seasonal offerings, locally sourced and organic ingredients, and portion sizes that reduce food waste. 

6 Ways to Create a Sustainable Menu 

Restaurants with sustainable menus are fighting climate change, improving the health of their customers, and preserving water sources. Sustainable menu design comes down to seasonal options that are sourced locally and have correct portions. Here are some things to include in your sustainable menu. 

1.Source Locally  

Sourcing ingredients from local growers benefits your local community as well as helping the environment. It will reduce your shipping costs on your end as well as decrease emissions. 

Finding local sources for ingredients might be harder in certain areas or times of the year, Here are some tips for finding locally sourced ingredients: 

  • Connect with your community 
  • Make relationships with local growers 

Selling local ingredients in bulk is not easy for most growers. You may have limited options available to you. However, limitations breed creativity. Get what you can and showcase your local cuisine. 

2.Change Menus Seasonally 

As the seasons change, so should your menu. Out-of-season ingredients are not only hard to find, but they don’t taste as good as when they are in season

Seasonal fruits and veggies will improve your menu’s appeal by leaning into the excitement of the season and offering what tastes best.  

3.Make it Small 

Your menu doesn’t need to be a novel. You also don’t need to offer everything at once.  

You can decrease food waste and save money by minimizing food options on your menu. You won’t need to stock superfluous items that only a handful of people will order each week. 

Stick to a smaller menu and make each item novel. 

4.Include Items that Use Leftovers 

Throwing away bad ingredients never feels good. You gave a local grower good money for those stalks of celery and now no one can enjoy them. A great way to make your menu more sustainable while increasing your bottom line is to use leftovers to create great menu items. 

Here are some common sustainable menu ideas that use leftover ingredients:  

  • Soup 
  • Quiche 
  • Chile 
  • Salads 
  • Macaroni and cheese 

Feel free to get as creative as you want and your dish is likely to be a winner. Use every bell pepper, mushroom, and potato. Leave no leftover ingredients uneaten. 

5. Use Organic Ingredients 

When you source from organic growers, you’re investing in farms that take care of the land. Organic farms tend to have more fertile soil and use less energy. Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers harm the environment. This means organic farming is both more productive and better for the environment. 

When farmers practice organic farming, their land sequesters more carbon. This keeps carbon out of the atmosphere and keeps it available for healthy vegetation growth. 

6. Control Portion Sizes 

Restaurants that pile it high are crowd pleasers, but excess food gets thrown away. A sustainable menu will include thoughtful portions that will fill up your guests and minimize food waste. Finding correct portion sizes will take effort and time. However, finding the right size will increase your bottom end and help the world. 

Extend Sustainability Outside of Your Menu 

Sustainability doesn’t have to end at your menu. Extend your sustainability efforts by following these tips. 

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle 

It’s easier to be sustainable when you offer sit-down-only service and your portions are correct. However, the changing landscape of food service indicates that a great way to feed customers is to let them eat at home. This creates a problem for restaurants that want to be more sustainable. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult.  

Ditch single-use plastics for intentional take-home boxes that are produced from recycled materials. You can also get creative and recycle your cooking oil bottles. All recycling efforts are viable — so get creative! 

Used cooking oil is easily recycled and can be used in several ways, including the production of sustainable fuel. When you partner with Darling Ingredient’s Canada you not only help sustainability efforts, but you receive a partner who will pick up your used cooking oil for you. 

Creative Natural Preserves 

Finding ways to preserve ingredients will keep you from having to throw them away and let you buy products in bulk. 

Nuts, pasta, and spices can all be bought in bulk but might require a unique way to store them long-term. Freezing, canning, drying, and even fermenting are all ways you can store long-term ingredients. 

Don’t Over-Buy 

We’ve already given you some tips on how to minimize wasted food, but this one is just as important. Don’t over-buy. 

Once your menu is optimized for portion size you’ll be able to streamline your buying process. Only buy what you need and nothing more. This will take time, but it will help your operations in the long run. 

Make Your Own Ingredients 

This next tip might be strange for some people, but making your own ingredients is a fun way to make your restaurant more sustainable. 

Making ingredients from scratch takes out the middleman and lets you create exactly what you need to make your dishes shine. Here are some ingredients you could start making yourself: 

  • Brine your own pickles 
  • Make in-house salad dressings  
  • Create your own preserves 

These options let you create custom ingredients that highlight the delicious offers from your local producers.  

Grow Your Own Ingredients 

If you want to push your sustainability efforts to the next level, consider starting a garden. Sustainably-grown ingredients are delicious and it’s a great experience for customers to see the growing process right in front of them. Plus, it doubles as restaurant decor.  

A garden won’t work for every restaurant, but if it could work even in a small capacity, why not try? 

Boost Your Efforts with Sustainable Waste Management 

To create a sustainable restaurant you need to consider how you manage your staff, your ingredients, and especially your waste. That includes to-go boxes and utensils, food, and used cooking oil. Darling Ingredients Canada can provide used cooking oil collection and recycling systems for free to qualifying customers. 

Our systems are industry-leading, easy to use, and best of all, they come with a pickup schedule that matches the volume needs of your kitchen. Contact Darling Ingredient’s Canada to start contributing to a better future. 

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